शनिवार, ८ जून, २०१३

Working for great shots by awesome photographers

Working for great shots by awesome photographers

Monsoon is on the way to home town pune and we all are ready for more and more thundershower after getting hot during summer. We love to enjoy first showers but some times it was dangerous while travelling during heavy rains. Their are some casualties while heavy rains. We need more rains for doing better production in agriculture. Still we are unable to stop rainwater to percolate in to the ground which can be utilized by citizens during summer.

This was demonstrations outside exhibition center to push vegetarian foods to save life which we are cutting for meat production and for mere taste. This also have social effects on our society so think of lives which we cut for our taste. So now onwards think twice before eating any non veg items in home or in hotel, If we stop eating them then nobody will cut them for us.

What an great light effect for a still photo by an photographer. 

Great artist doing great job to balance life and family 

Great illusion in side water hal women and half fish which can create great ''matsyakanya'' we called in India. 
She was beautiful and enjoying her work in water and our photographer also having lots of fun while shooting her inside water 

Rest after work hours, A man sitting in front of aeroplane engine to check it properly to safeguard our lives during travelling through fights

Fish in small plastic bag waiting for his new water body where he will live forever till someone pich him.

Art of body painting 

Moving head..........

Making of sweet home for family before mansoon

Bi headed snake white coloured which was rear in vicinity

Jungle - Forest - Trees - fresh - Air - Mountain - Lives - Danger - life 

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