शुक्रवार, ५ जुलै, २०१३
मंगळवार, २५ जून, २०१३
सोमवार, २४ जून, २०१३
Person Finder - Uttarakhand Floods | Currently tracking about 7200 records.
You can request status via SMS by sending an SMS to 9773300000 with the message Search person-name.
For example, if you are searching for Jayanth, send the message Search Jayanth.
Dear users please share to help the needy.
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You can request status via SMS by sending an SMS to 9773300000 with the message Search person-name.
For example, if you are searching for Jayanth, send the message Search Jayanth.
Dear users please share to help the needy.
Thanks !
शनिवार, २२ जून, २०१३
गुरुवार, २० जून, २०१३
Zurker Heroes
Congratulations and thank you to the heroes of the revolution! Zurker Heroes are those purchased a monthly subscription for at least 10 credits, or who bought the maximum allowable number of vShares.
All Zurker Heroes are acknowledged with a medal on their profile.
Join my network and more zens to buy your shares of zurker. Just click above link to have new opportunity to earn while you surf.
Secure, instant, fully convertible, and above all, stable and reliable enough for every day use, the Zen is the digital currency the world needs today.
The rise of Bitcoin has shown that the world is ready for a digital currency. But should that currency be Bitcoin? While undeniably an intriguing and innovative experiment, Bitcoin has two cardinal flaws. It is too inherently unstable for practical use, and it is shockingly wasteful and destructive.
The Zen's value is tied to the performance of 22 international currencies from major economies on five continents. Even if any one of these currencies were to collapse, the value of the Zen wouldn't be affected greatly. The Zen has even been designed to withstand swings in the value of the USD. As such it the Zen is stable by design, and it is possible to develop a sophisticated and viable economy using Zen alone. It is entirely possible that major corporations and even nation-states will one day use Zen as a medium of exchange to safeguard against exchange rate fluctuations between traditional currencies.
![]() ![]() Increasing the supply of zen does not involve any heavy number crunching. The Zen money supply can be regulated to prevent inflation or deflation. Since the Zen is issued in exchange for legal tender rather than mined, the Zen does not result in massive amounts of electricity and computing power being wasted on currency creation. The Zen is possibly the greenest currency in the world as it is not printed on paper, nor minted in metal, nor extracted by dint of raw computing power. Then Zen is issued by a transparent democratically managed organization with open-book accounting. Anyone with time and interest can become involved just by becoming a member. While you may not always agree with how the money is used, at least you know where it is going. Ever since the Internet spread beyond military and academic use, the world has been in need of a digital payment system to match the borderless web of information and commerce which now spanned the globe. After two decades the world finally took notice of a virtual currency. While that currency, the Bitcoin, is deeply flawed, it does serve the purpose of blazing a trail for more practical digital currencies. Enter the ZenThe Zen is a digital currency specifically designed to be stable and of practical use for every-day transactions. It is managed by a transparent and democratic organization you can easily become part of. If you liked the Bitcoin, you'll love the Zen.Stable by DesignThe Zen is pegged to a basket of 22 international currencies, from countries all over the world. As such, the Zen can withstand regional fluctations while reflecting an accurate value vis-a-vis each currency. The movement of each currency in relation to the other currencies is tracked and the Zen's value in relation to that currency is adjusted accordingly. It is an unbiased, elegant solution which nonetheless reflects market conditions.Secure and PrivateThe Zen is centralized for governance, but with a system design incorporating elements of decentralization. Wallets can be created and stored by third-party apps. Zen agents can function like banks, holding accounts on behalf of users. Users can also create their own completely private and secure bank-like accounts.Cash Equivalent and ConvertibleZen can be transferred between accounts and wallets, and it can also be turned into coins. The value of the Zen coin is determined by the user who creates the coin, and can be any value as low as 0.01 Zen (one cent). Zen functions exactly like cash. Zen can be bought and sold freely.MicropaymentsThe advent of a virtual currency has long been touted as the killer app which will finally enable micropayments, such as, for example, paying 5 cents to read an article. Micropayments have long been sought after by app and content developers as an alternative to advertising-based revenue or pricey subscriptions. Widespread adoption of the Zen will finally enable micropayments to be a viable option.Instant ProcessingThe value of Zen transfers and Zen coins can be validated within seconds. There is no delay in processing because there is no need to check against spent coins. Transactions are quick, simple and reliable.Zero Service ChargesBeing entirely digital, Zen can be transferred from one wallet or account to another at zero cost. Since there is no mining, the proceeds from the creation of Zen can be used to support app developers and their infrastructural requirements. In other words, as Zen are purchased with legal tender, that capital is used to fund not just management of the Zen but the app developers working to build a better Zen ecosystem.Ecosystem SupportZurker, the member-owned organization issuing Zen, is fully committed to supporting developers and the apps they create, both financially and in terms of intrastructure development. Ensuring the growth of a rich and diverse ecosystem of apps is the number one priority as we lay the groundwork for the adoption of Zen as the world's most popular digital currency. |
मंगळवार, १८ जून, २०१३
रविवार, १६ जून, २०१३
झुर्कर (Zurker) या विकसित होत असलेल्या नवीन सोशल नेट्वर्किंग साईटने "Zen" म्हणून (बीटकॉईन सारखीच) नवीन डिजिटल करन्सी बाजारात आणली आहे. काही काळातच झुर्कर फेसबुकला मागे टाकेल कारण फेसबुकवर डेमोक्रसी नसल्याने सगळा नफा फेसबुककडेच जातो, पण झुर्कर व्हर्चुअल शेअर्सच्या माध्यमातून आपल्या मेंबर्सना झुर्करचे मालकी हक्क देते.
So, Do you want to own zurker ? just click below link and have your own Zen double in first 24 hours.
So, Do you want to own zurker ? just click below link and have your own Zen double in first 24 hours.
झुर्कर (Zurker) या विकसित होत असलेल्या नवीन सोशल नेट्वर्किंग साईटने "Zen" म्हणून (बीटकॉईन सारखीच) नवीन डिजिटल करन्सी बाजारात आणली आहे. काही काळातच झुर्कर फेसबुकला मागे टाकेल कारण फेसबुकवर डेमोक्रसी नसल्याने सगळा नफा फेसबुककडेच जातो, पण झुर्कर व्हर्चुअल शेअर्सच्या माध्यमातून आपल्या मेंबर्सना झुर्करचे मालकी हक्क देते.
So, Do you want to own zurker ? just click below link and have your own Zen double in first 24 hours.
So, Do you want to own zurker ? just click below link and have your own Zen double in first 24 hours.
शनिवार, १५ जून, २०१३
शुक्रवार, १४ जून, २०१३
गुरुवार, १३ जून, २०१३
देवता जी आपल्याला सर्व काही प्रदान करते
देवता जी आपल्याला सर्व काही प्रदान करते
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटि समप्रभ
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा
-{ श्री गणेश }-
||ओम गं गणपतेय नमः ||
छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज
" एक मराठा योद्धा जो आज सुद्धा अनेक लोंकांना प्रेरणादायी आहे "
जगात आज पर्यंत कोणी राजा झाला नाही आणी होणार सुद्धा नाही
श्री गणेश
वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटि समप्रभ
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा
गण गण गणात बोते
रविवार, ९ जून, २०१३
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